Best Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies in Vietnam for CPAs

Top 4 Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies for CPA Firms in Vietnam

Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies for CPA Firms in Vietnam

Outsourcing has become a strategic move for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) seeking reliable and cost-effective solutions to manage their bookkeeping tasks. Today, businesses recognize the value of outsourced bookkeeping services, which provides financial relief and alleviates the mental burden on business owners. This shift in approach has breathed new life into the CPA market, simultaneously leading to increased workloads for CPA service providers in the USA and worldwide.

In recent years, Vietnam has emerged as a hub for outsourcing services, offering a plethora of options for CPAs looking for top-notch bookkeeping companies. This comprehensive guide will explore the best outsourced bookkeeping companies in Vietnam tailored to meet the needs of CPAs.

Read more: 9 Best Bookkeeping Practices for Small Businesses

Top Reasons to Consider Outsourcing CPA Jobs

Much like any other enterprise, CPA firms are not merely responsible for managing accounts and navigating through tax seasons; they must also contend with many intricate tasks associated with the client lifecycle. Building and nurturing client relationships through regular discussions and meetings is a pivotal aspect of their responsibilities. Furthermore, these firms must allocate resources to attract new clients while concurrently scouting for skilled bookkeepers and accounting professionals. Providing them with an optimal work environment to maintain their productivity is another facet of their operational challenges. These cumulative demands have steadily amplified the pressure on companies offering CPA services to local businesses, leading them to seek professional outsourced bookkeeping firms tailored to the needs of CPA practices.

Partnering with an outsourced bookkeeping company can offer multiple advantages if you run a CPA firm and seek ways to streamline your practice. Let’s delve into the top three reasons for collaborating with an outsourced company and utilizing their bookkeeping services for CPAs.

1. Expertise in Accounting Software, Tools, and Technologies

In the past, businesses were tasked with selecting and managing accounting software for their financial needs. However, today, companies that provide outsourced bookkeeping services offer various tools and technologies. The accounting and financial management field is continuously evolving, marked by innovations and advancements.

As a result, CPA firms encounter challenges in keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of accounting tools, software, and technologies. These challenges can be effectively addressed by teaming up with a reputable outsourced bookkeeping company. These outsourcing firms take responsibility for the following:

  • Procuring licenses for leading accounting solutions.
  • Acquiring and maintaining various accounting software and tools.
  • Recruiting and employing accounting experts proficient in these software solutions and tools.
  • Conducting training sessions to ensure financial managers, bookkeepers, and accountants are well-versed in these tools and technologies.
  • Staying ahead by investing in cutting-edge technology and bookkeeping and financial management tools.

Outsourced bookkeeping companies catering to CPA firms expertly manage these activities, ensuring they provide top-tier offshore bookkeeping services for CPAs and their clients. By entrusting these service providers, CPA firms can relieve themselves from the intricacies of mastering diverse accounting and bookkeeping tools and technologies, allowing them to focus on their core business operations.

2. Exceptional Scalability and Flexibility to Cater to Variable Client Demands

Another compelling reason to consider partnering with a reputable outsourced bookkeeping company for CPA firms is their unmatched flexibility and scalability. Like various other business models and industries, providers of bookkeeping outsourcing services also experience peak seasons. For instance, the workload for CPA firms during tax season can skyrocket, while at other times, bookkeeping and accounting activities may operate in a lower gear.

Outsourced bookkeeping for CPAs presents the flexibility to adjust services according to the ebbs and flows of demand. Whether a CPA firm exclusively utilizes fixed-cost services or has engaged dedicated accounting experts from outsourced bookkeeping companies, they can expand or contract their services based on workload, budget, and specific preferences. This scalability and flexibility alleviate the stress on businesses and pave the way for enhanced profitability. There are no concerns about the legal and operational aspects of staffing or worries about a shortage of expertise. Outsourced bookkeeping providers come equipped with everything a CPA firm could need.

3. Streamlined CPA Practices to Enhance Focus on Core Competencies

When a CPA firm collaborates with one of the premier outsourced bookkeeping companies designed for CPA firms, operations can seamlessly shift into autopilot mode. These companies take charge of all bookkeeping, accounting, and financial management tasks for clients of CPA firms in the United States and worldwide. Moreover, these outsourced companies also expertly manage client communications, creating a stress-free environment for CPA firms.

CPA firms can unburden themselves from concerns regarding software procurement, HR management, technology adoption, and more. The outsourced bookkeeping provider efficiently oversees these responsibilities. Consequently, CPAs can focus on strategic pursuits such as client acquisition, lead nurturing, business expansion, and more. Businesses can significantly bolster their core competencies and overall focus by shedding these worries.

In summary, forging partnerships with outsourced bookkeeping companies tailored for CPA firms represents a savvy strategic move. It bestows numerous advantages and a potent competitive edge to CPA companies, ensuring they can thrive in a dynamic and demanding industry.

Read more: 10 Signs Your CPA Firm Needs Outsourced Bookkeeping Services

Top 5 Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies for CPA Firms in Vietnam

vietnam leading outsourcing bookkeeping country

Vietnam, known for its skilled workforce, technological advancement, and favorable business environment, has gained prominence in the outsourcing industry. The country’s economic stability, along with its competitive labor costs, makes it an attractive destination for global businesses seeking outsourcing solutions.

The global landscape of outsourced bookkeeping for CPA firms is filled with numerous reputable companies, each contributing to the industry’s success. Here, we present a list of the top 4 outsourced bookkeeping companies for CPA firms that have consistently made their mark in this field.

1. Bestarion

Tailored Outsourced Accounting Services For CPA Firms

Bestarion started as a company providing software development and business process outsourcing (BPO) services.

In 2019, Bestarion expanded their business into providing outsourcing finance & accounting (F&A) solutions to accounting firms in the US. Their team comprises highly skilled, dedicated and enthusiastic young professionals like CPAs, Accountants and Data Entry who are dedicated to driving a difference that matters for our clients.

Bestarion offers complete Finance & Accounting Solutions for CPA Firms, including Bookkeeping, Payroll, Tax and Compliance services. With the trust from its clients, Bestarion partners with many CPA firms in US providing a better solution to optimize the cost in traditional accounting practices and therefore helping them to improve the company’s presence in the professional services market, and therefore, attract new accounts. All these partners have given positive compliments and choose Bestarion as a reliable partner for long-term cooperation.

Read more: The Cost of Outsourced Bookkeeping Services for Your CPA Firm

2. InCorp Vietnam

cekindo-Business Process Outsourcing Services in Vietnam

Formerly recognized as Cekindo, InCorp Vietnam has emerged as a prominent player in Market Entry and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services. Established in 2015, the company has since made its mark in various domains, offering an array of services including business consulting, HR services, non-voice BPO/back office services, and finance & accounting outsourcing (FAO).

Headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, InCorp Vietnam operates with a dedicated midsize team. Their core mission is to provide transparent and reliable solutions to overseas clients looking to establish their presence not only in Vietnam but also in the broader Asia-Pacific region.

3. Innovature BPO

Innovature BPO

Established in 2014, Innovature BPO has evolved into a dynamic player in the outsourcing landscape base in Vietnam. Their collective expertise spans Finance & Accounting, Customer Services, and Post-Production Services, serve clients in North America, Canada, the UK, Australia, and other APAC regions. Presently, Innovature BPO boasts a diverse team of approximately 200 professionals hailing from various corners of the globe. Innovature BPO is always famous for providing clients with the best service efficiency within tight timeframes.

4. Odyssey Resources


Odyssey Resources was originally formed in 1998, and was one of the first movers to offer Australian outsourced services in 2006 in Vietnam. This company specializes in Outsourced Australian tax returns, bookkeeping, compliance review, superannuation SMSF returns.

Odyssey Resources approaches quality assurance. They ensure all services meet Australian standards for excellence and are made locally by great professionals. The strength of Odyssey Resources is its large scale with extensive experience in the services they are providing. In addition, Odyssey Resources is highly appreciated for its excellent customer service and formal attitude and can answer clients’ inquiries 24/7.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies

Critical Considerations for Choosing the Right Outsourced Bookkeeping Company for CPA FirmsCritical Considerations for Choosing the Right Outsourced Bookkeeping Company for CPA Firms

In this article, we have presented a selection of the top 4 companies renowned for delivering exceptional bookkeeping outsourcing services to CPA firms in Vietnam. However, the list extends beyond these five, with numerous firms vying to offer services in this domain. As a CPA professional, making an informed choice among the available outsourced bookkeeping companies for CPA firms is essential. To ensure that your decision yields both short-term and long-term benefits, there are three key considerations to consider during the selection process.

1. Specialization in Serving CPA Firms

The first and most crucial aspect to examine is a company’s experience and proficiency in serving international CPA firms. A company exclusively concentrating on accounting, bookkeeping, and related financial management services holds a distinct advantage over those juggling multiple business domains, such as IT solutions. Specialization in the financial sector ensures a deeper understanding of CPA firms’ unique needs and challenges.

2. Data Security and Confidentiality

Professional outsourced bookkeeping companies for CPA firms strongly emphasize data protection and security. They achieve this through top-tier tools, well-defined protocols, and a commitment to transparent services. The finest companies also offer the option to work within your secure environment. It is imperative to thoroughly assess the security and data protection measures that your prospective partner has in place to safeguard your sensitive information.

Read more: Data Security Concerns When Offshoring Bookkeeping Services

3. Effective Communication and Collaboration

The reality of time zone differences is apparent when partnering with outsourced bookkeeping companies for CPA firms, many of which offer cost-effective services from different time zones. This could introduce communication gaps and language barriers, among other challenges in the collaborative process. Therefore, engaging in open and candid discussions about how communication and collaboration will be managed with the selected company is crucial. Clear communication channels and strategies are vital to the success of your partnership.

4. Seamless Transition to the Outsourced Bookkeeping Model

Outsourced bookkeeping companies catering to CPA firms should have a well-defined procedure for assuming responsibility for bookkeeping and other accounting tasks. To ensure a smooth transition, adhere to the following steps:

  • Requirement Discussion: Clearly outline your requirements before agreeing with the outsourced bookkeeping company. Address even the minutest details to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Documentation: Develop a comprehensive proposal and a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to document all terms and conditions.
  • Automation: Encourage your service provider to incorporate automation into their processes to save time and enhance efficiency and accuracy.
  • Reporting: Request timely reports to inform you about any modifications the outsourced bookkeeping company made.
  • Collaboration: Establish clear guidelines for how your teams will collaborate effectively.

By keeping these considerations at the forefront of your decision-making process, you can select an outsourced bookkeeping company best suited to the unique needs of your CPA firm, resulting in a productive and harmonious partnership.

Read more: The Cost of Outsourced Bookkeeping Services for Your CPA Firm

Selecting Bestarion as Your Preferred Outsourced Bookkeeping Company for CPA Firms

bestarion- software development & BPO company in Vietnam

If you are searching for one of the foremost outsourced bookkeeping companies to cater to your CPA firm, look no further than Bestarion. With a rich history of delivering top-tier outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services spanning numerous years, Bestarion has consistently demonstrated its commitment to excellence.

Our philosophy revolves around ensuring maximum client satisfaction, and to uphold this commitment, we offer a distinct advantage: payment is only required if our services meet your satisfaction. Quality is the cornerstone of Bestarion and each and every employee here feel responsible for this.

Why choose Us?

  • Flexible Pricing Model: Hourly Rate, Fixed Fee (Budget based), Value Based (Project based), FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Model
  • High Cost-Saving: Our service will cost 60% less than hiring an in-house accountant if you are mainly looking for experts. Also, having a pool of resources under one roof is far more logical than hiring one accountant.
  • Data Security: In addition to our internal security measures, Bestarion is also an ISO 27001-certified company, IRS security 6, and GDPR. We ensure that our client’s data is always protected.
  • Guarantee of Satisfaction: We have worked with US accounting businesses for a long time and are well acquainted with accounting in the USA. Also, many satisfied clients have stayed with us for over five years.
  • Scalability: State-of-the-art infrastructure, availability of experienced human resources, and defined processes make it easy to scale up the operations on short notice.
  • Transparency: Our experts can provide daily progress reports, monthly quarterly reports, supporting  documents and answer any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Advantages of Outsourcing Bookkeeping to CPA Firms?

Outsourcing bookkeeping to CPA firms brings several benefits, including cost savings, enhanced accuracy, scalability, and the ability to concentrate on core services like tax preparation and consulting.

How Can I Identify the Leading Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies for CPA Firms?

To pinpoint the top outsourced bookkeeping companies, consider their experience, range of services, compatibility with technology, commitment to data security, and client feedback. To make a well-informed decision, conduct thorough research and assess your options.

Do Outsourced Bookkeepers Work Remotely or On-Site?

Many outsourced bookkeeping companies offer remote and on-site options to accommodate your firm’s preferences and needs. Remote bookkeeping has gained popularity thanks to secure cloud-based accounting software.

How Can I Integrate Outsourced Bookkeeping Services with My CPA Firm’s Existing Systems and Software?

Ensure that the selected bookkeeping company employs compatible accounting software and technology. Most providers can seamlessly integrate with your current systems, ensuring a smooth transition.

Do Outsourced Bookkeeping Companies Provide Ongoing Support and Communication?

Indeed, most outsourced bookkeeping companies maintain regular communication with their clients, delivering updated reports and addressing any questions or concerns. Opt for a provider with a communication style that aligns with your firm’s preferences.


The landscape of outsourced bookkeeping in Vietnam presents CPAs with a myriad of choices, each offering unique advantages. While the companies mentioned above are among the best in the industry, CPAs must conduct thorough evaluations based on their specific needs, budget constraints, and desired outcomes.

By teaming up with one of the most reliable outsourced bookkeeping companies, your CPA firm gains the freedom to allocate resources and focus on crafting superior strategies to drive business growth exponentially. Remember the key factors we’ve discussed throughout this article to make the right choice.

Bestarion stands out as one of the trusted and widely recognized companies in this industry, having empowered numerous CPA firms. Could your firm be the next success story? 

Our Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services can boost your revenue. We hope you to schedule a meeting with our business head to have all your questions answered. Your path to growth and success starts with a conversation—so why wait?

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I am currently the SEO Specialist at Bestarion, a highly awarded ITO company that provides software development and business processing outsourcing services to clients in the healthcare and financial sectors in the US. I help enhance brand awareness through online visibility, driving organic traffic, tracking the website's performance, and ensuring intuitive and engaging user interfaces.