Bestarion Cookies Policy

1. Overview

A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to the user’s browser, which may store the cookie on the user’s system. Using cookies is the best practice to support users in using web services. For example, cookies allow us to determine how frequently particular pages are visited. These cookies are essential for the functions of the website. Users can find out more about cookies at:

Users can manage and control the use of cookies through their browser, including removing cookies by deleting them from their browser history when they leave our website.

2. Why Does BESTARION Use Cookies?

Cookies support services that the BESTARION website provides to the user, such as letting the user navigate between pages efficiently, letting BESTARION analyze how well the BESTARION website is performing, and improving the user’s experience. Without using cookies, at the same as without accepting cookies, BESTARION might not be able to provide services for the user.

3. What Types Of Cookies Does BESTARION Use?

In general, nonpersonal data, such as browser type, operating system and domain names, may be collected during visitors’ use of the website, and BESTARION may use this information to measure the number of visitors to the website.

BESTARION may use 2 types of cookies on the website:

Session cookies

  • Data collected: Session cookies do not collect information from the user’s computer. They typically will store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.
  • Data retention: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of the user’s browser until the user closes the browser
  • Data usage: This cookie is automatically onto the user’s browser by the BESTARION website, but BESTARION does not use it

Analytical cookies:

BESTARION website uses third-party cookies, such as Google Analytics cookies

  • Data collected:
    • A cookie to record your IP address
    • A cookie to record the time of the user’s first visit to the website, the time of the user’s most recent visit to the website and the time of the user’s current visit
    • A cookie to record which page(s) you visit on the websitE.
    • A cookie to record how long the user stayed on the website
    • A cookie to record how the user located our website (i.e., Google search, keyword, link from another page, etc.)
  • Data Retention: The information is expired from 1 minute to a maximum of 2 years, depending on the type of cookies. Read more about the retention time of the cookies.
  • Data Usage: BESTARION uses analytical cookies for data analytics. BESTARION only shares the information obtained through Google Analytics with Google. For more information on Google’s use of the user’s information. Please see Types of Cookies Used by Google.

4. Disabling Cookies

How the user adjusts their browser to stop it from accepting cookies or to notify them will depend on the type of internet browser program his / her computer uses. Users can follow the appropriate instructions for his / her specific browser type (please note that this link will open a new window and lead to an external website and that BESTARION is not responsible for the content of external websites).

5. User’s Consent To Cookies

By agreeing to this policy, the user consents to use cookies by us as described above. Read more about cookies (but please remember that BESTARION is not responsible for external websites).