Discover The New Version Of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.0

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Discover The New Version Of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.0

The WSO Enterprise Integrator platform has released a new version (7.0) with major developments in the form of additional features and new integration possibilities. Read this article for an in-depth analysis.



WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.0 is an open-source hybrid integration platform that offers proxy services, message processors, scheduled tasks, data services, etc. using different integration architecture styles for this purpose, such as microservices or a centralized Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

This platform offers many configuration options and significant integration possibilities, based on native project codes stored on the cloud.

Below we analyze the differences and new specifications & features of the new version of this high-performance platform.


The first new development of Enterprise Integrator 7.0 is the format itself, since it is significantly different from previous versions. This latest version comes as two separate elements that can be downloaded individually, allowing for a combination of new tools with already existing ones. When combined, these tools allow for mediation and transformation, the development of microservices and continuous data flow processing.

Below we will discuss the main specifications and new features of the two components:

  • Micro Integrator
  • Streaming Integrator


Micro Integrator is not a new component since, while not as complete, it has been available since the very launch of WSO2. However, this time around it comes with noticeable differences when compared to previous versions:

The administration console has been replaced by a command-line interface, which allows for the monitoring of Synapse artefacts in the Micro Integrator instance, though it does not provide for, for example, Hot Deploy due to the immutable containers.

While the new model does not run all integrations in a single ESB, it does allow for DevOps teams to run their own instance of Micro Integrator, in addition to allowing smaller integration nodes. This generally results in increased agility.


This element is highly useful and effective for the integration of live streaming events and data. Though this functionality is not new in WSO2, with the new 7.0 version it is possible to capture a higher amount of data, and also generate a new one and analyze it.

Streaming Integrator allows for the processing of event flows that transfer large amounts of data at high speed and in all formats. In addition, Streaming Integrator can be used to perform all kinds of queries at different periods of time thanks to an advance query language called Siddhi.

Another great advantage of Streaming Integrator is that it allows for perfect integration with the other two components of the platform: Micro Integrator and Ballerina Integrator. This is highly useful when the goal is it monitors an event generated in streaming. Additionally, it is fully compatible with the most important message transmission systems, such as Kafka and NATS, which means that it can extract and integrate data from practically any database and store the information on the cloud.

To sum up, the new WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.0 is a set of two products that are downloaded separately and allow the integration of micro-services in Information Technology environments, whether they are based on traditional Synapse / AXiS2 or in the new Ballerina platform. This allows API-based integration systems to connect with: API, data, flows, SaaS and legacy applications. The greatest advantage of this new version is that it is flexible and agile, significantly facilitating the integration and development of digital transformation in organizations.


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