Why Should You Outsource Data Cleansing?



Businesses today should be able to do more than simply implement digital marketing strategies. B2B companies, in particular, should look beyond content and concentrate on the most critical aspects of their marketing efforts.

In terms of lead generation and appointment setting, businesses should always prioritize the development of a robust marketing infrastructure. This necessitates a significant amount of data management. When you have a list of marketing contacts to pursue, it is impossible to predict how many of these leads will result in sales. So, to keep the sales pipeline stocked with high-value prospects, you must engage the right people.

With this in mind, you will need to implement an effective database management system that will assist you in focusing on the correct targets. You will have to work around the clock to validate and update the list with new contacts, especially if you have a large database of organic contacts. Without a doubt, this takes a significant amount of time and resources. It also entails using the right tools and hiring the right people to keep the database running smoothly.

Did we mention time and money? Database management can consume a significant amount of both, which is why most B2B companies nowadays prefer to outsource the cleansing and validation of their marketing lists rather than doing the dirty work themselves.

Outsourced data cleansing and enhancement services, in particular, provide businesses with more opportunities to streamline their marketing operations.

Read more: Data Cleansing 2022: Why it Important? 6 Steps to Data Cleansing

Why is it a good idea to outsource data cleansing?

Clean data provides organizations with actionable analytics to drive effective marketing campaigns and increase sales revenue. This necessitates data cleansing activities for strategic business decisions and operational plans.

Outsourcing is a well-accepted business strategy influencing agile data management, improved decision-making, and competitive advantage due to data cleansing activities’ skills, technology, and process-intensive nature.

Due to the lack of a comprehensive view of the data cleansing process, organizations are unsure of how and who will cleanse the data and how it will be used in the future. In-house data cleansing operations face critical operational challenges in determining how to:

  • Recognize data anomalies
  • Data that is both large and complex must be cleaned.
  • Invest in new tools and technology.
  • Hire knowledgeable data professionals.
  • Increase employee productivity.

Outsourcing data cleansing is thus a wise decision. It is far less expensive to supervise an offshore data cleansing services setup than to invest in new tools/technology and hire experienced data professionals. Outsourcing data cleansing allows your organization to benefit from additional resources at a low cost and risk.

What are the advantages of outsourcing data cleaning?

1. They save precious time. 

It takes a long time to set up a database management system. Individual contact validation can already result in missed opportunities for your in-house team to generate quality leads. Furthermore, you will have to transfer manpower, weakening critical sectors that should be kept strong. Allowing someone else to manage your database saves you all this trouble because you will be provided with a whole team that will ensure your lists are kept squeaky clean of invalid addresses and the like. Furthermore, you will not need to make any changes with your in-house team, ensuring that your primary business operations are not disrupted.

2. They are cost-effective.

Without a doubt, outsourcing can save businesses a significant amount of money. The database cleansing market is teeming with B2B enterprises eager to offer solutions that will undoubtedly assist businesses with their database concerns. Market competition has pushed prices down, giving solution seekers more options for less. On the other hand, outsourcing can save you a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on installing an organic arm to manage your database. Impractical? Certainly! At the very least, outsourcing eliminates the need to invest in new equipment and hire new employees.

3. They let you access a lot of nifty tools

Because developing your system for validating and cleansing your marketing database will not suffice, the best option is to have someone else handle it for you. As a bonus, third-party marketing services now provide cleansing and enhancement services. The best part is that these services have developed tools for dealing with tricky database issues like duplicates and incorrect addresses. In addition, they already have an efficient process for filtering out quality leads and ensuring that your pipeline is never depleted of sales opportunities.

4. They have a lot more experience than you.

That may seem difficult to comprehend, but let’s face it: you need an expert. Companies that provide outsourced lead generation and appointment setting have a diverse client base, from IT vendors to merchandise retailers. Consider outsourcing your database to such companies to gain access to the same competencies that worked for their previous clients. In terms of improving your marketing lists, you can expect an outsourcing partner to bring nothing but the best.

Outsourcing can add more value. As competition in your industry heats up, you’ll need to find a reliable ally to help you get through the grind.

Why should you choose Bestarion as your strategic data quality partner?

Increases business revenue

According to a Forrester report from 2017, a typical Fortune 1000 company with a 10% increase in cleansed data experienced more than $65 million in additional net income.

Sales and marketing departments are the breadwinners in any organization. Their effectiveness is the primary factor determining whether revenues, and thus profits, increase or decrease.

The accuracy of data used for sales and marketing increases the right-party contact ratio, leading to increased sales and revenues. Data cleansing gives your in-house teams cleaner, more accurate data, allowing them to focus on activities that bring in customers and drive revenue.

Outsourcing allows you to be more agile and competitive.

With the advancement of technology and its pervasiveness across industries, businesses require high-quality data to make strategic decisions that keep them agile and competitive.

Outsourcing companies’ dependable and agile process management drives organizations to outsource data cleansing. Outsourcing data cleansing gives organizations a competitive advantage over competitors who are unsure how to organize their data-cleansing teams.

Now is the time to outsource data cleansing!

Global organizations that have tested the waters of outsourcing data cleansing processes have seen positive results.

  • 59% of them swear by lower costs.
  • 57% of respondents say this step has enabled their core business functions.
  • 47% have been successful in resolving capacity issues.

Clean and accurate databases ensure that employees make the most of their work hours. Cleansed data will keep them from using inaccurate customer contact lists or contacting customers with outdated information, ultimately increasing staff efficiency and productivity.

It has never been an easy task to outsource data cleansing and management. It will ensure that your organization always has clean data, which can be used to generate accurate metrics for analysis and drive better results. It will lead to better customer segmentation, more efficient customer targeting, and a more robust bottom line.

Explore our data services now.

I am currently the SEO Specialist at Bestarion, a highly awarded ITO company that provides software development and business processing outsourcing services to clients in the healthcare and financial sectors in the US. I help enhance brand awareness through online visibility, driving organic traffic, tracking the website's performance, and ensuring intuitive and engaging user interfaces.