9 Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Software Testing

software testing


Software testing is not just about testing. It’s all about giving users what they want. Testing helps improve the software’s quality and increases the project’s efficiency and speed.

Early on in the software development cycle, figuring out a good testing plan will help you find and fix bugs. The sooner you find bugs, the less expensive it will be. According to NIST, the cost of errors increases as the software lifecycle progresses. So, how do you ensure that your company’s software testing is of high quality?

1. Use Test Driven Development Strategies

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development technique focusing on creating unit test cases before writing code. Development is an iterative approach that combines unit test development and refactoring. If the code fails the test, you should fix it and move on to the following function.

The Agile Manifesto and Extreme Programming inspire TDD. The testing process, as the name implies, guides software development. It is also a structured practice that allows developers and testers to receive optimized code that proves sustainable in the long run.

In TDD, developers create small test cases for each function based on their initial understanding. The primary purpose of this technique is to change or write new code only after tests fail. This avoids duplicate test scripts.

2. Apply User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), also known as beta testing or end-user testing, is defined as testing software to determine whether a user or customer can accept it. It is the final test after completing the functional, system and regression tests.

The primary goal of this test is to validate the software’s ability to meet business requirements. This validation is performed by end users familiar with the business requirements.

The primary purpose of this testing is to validate the software against the business requirements. This validation is carried out by the end-users familiar with the business requirements.

As the User Acceptance Test is the final test before the software is released, this is the customer’s last chance to test the software and measure if it fits their purpose.

That’s why you need to rate your product. You can hire professional UAT testers or involve end users in the evaluation process. As a result, you can gain valuable insights that help improve the usability of your app.

3. Testing Plan And QA Process

A test plan is a document that describes what is tested when it is tested, how to try it, and who will do the tests. It also explains the scope and functions of the test. The test plan specifies the test objectives and aids in risk management.

A good testing plan should include a schedule of all testing activities needed to manage the team’s testing time. It should also define each team member’s role, so everyone is on the same page. The following information should be included in the test plan document, according to the IEEE 829 standard:

  • Test plan identifier
  • Introduction
  • References (list of related documents)
  • Test items (the product and its versions)
  • Software risk issues
  • Features to be tested
  • Features not to be tested
  • Approach (Strategy)
  • Item pass or fail criteria
  • Suspension criteria
  • Deliverables (test plan document, test cases, tools, error logs, problem reports, etc.)
  • Test environment (hardware, software, tools)
  • Schedule
  • Staffing and training needs
  • Responsibilities
  • Risks
  • Approvals

Google’s query technology is another option based on several software development factors, including implementation cost, maintenance cost, monetary cost, risk, and benefit.

The standardized approach avoids confusion when creating a test plan. Following familiar documents eliminates arguments from your team and speeds up the process.

4. Combine exploratory and Ad-hoc testing

These tests are based on maximum creativity and an exceptional understanding of the product. They are somewhat similar to UAT tests but still have a different approach.

Exploratory testing is closer to formal methods. Useful for projects that require minimal documentation. Test texts are not prepared in advance Quality assurance managers are only concerned with predefined objectives. They take spontaneous actions and tend to think outside the box.

Ad hoc tests are even more informal and creative. It has no purpose or rules. It does not require any documents. Testers examine the software randomly, relying solely on their intuition and experience.

After all, standard testing methods and tests made up on the spot are used to find bugs that standard tests miss.

5. Conduct Formal Technical Reviews

Formal Technical Review (FTR) is a software quality control activity performed by software engineers. FTR aims to provide young engineers with hands-on experience in analysis, design, coding, and testing.

Every FTR is structured similarly to a meeting and is only considered successful if it is appropriately planned and tracked. Each review meeting must adhere to the following guidelines: -Involvement of people:

  • 3, 4 and 5 people must participate in the review.
  • Preparation should be done in advance, but it should be very short, no more than 2 hours per person.
  • The short duration of the review meeting should be less than two hours. Given these limitations, it should be clear that FTR focuses on specific (and smaller) parts of all software.

This is the best time to review your schedule and achieve your goals. One person creates a summary of all assigned topics and sends this file to all participants.

6. Optimize The Use Of Automated Testing

Manual testing is not entirely replaced by automated testing. It is, however, an excellent solution for many repetitive testing tasks.

A test automation platform can help you improve this process. It is a set of various tools and guidelines for creating test cases. The most valuable functions of such a framework are the generation of test data, the execution of tests, and the analysis of test results.

Testing automated frameworks can also help you scale your business and adapt to an increasing workload.

The engineering team at Facebook recently posted a blog post about using the hybrid SapFix and Sapienz AI tools for testing and debugging. They can independently create several potential bug fixes, evaluate the application’s quality, and await expert approval.

These tools are expected to turn into open-source software shortly.

7. Measure Code Quality

Measuring code quality lets you use and keep up-to-date, high-quality software or programs that do an excellent job for your customers and users. If your QA team has clear quality indicators, it knows precisely what it needs to test.

You could also consider a software quality model. It is a method of measuring standardized software. This model identifies four main issues: security, reliability, performance and maintainability. For example, performance refers to weaknesses that affect the use and response time of the hardwa

Each section includes a detailed description as well as a set of standards. This model contains over 100+ rules that every software engineer should study.

8. Report Bugs Effectively

If your bug report is successful, it has a better chance of being fixed. As a result, fixing a bug depends on how successfully you report it. Reporting a bug is just a skill, and in this tutorial, we’ll explain how to acquire that skill.

A good bug report should be clear and concise without skipping key points. The lack of clarity leads to confusion and slows the creation process. Writing and error reporting is one of the test lifecycle’s most important but neglected areas.

The important information that the bug report should communicate is “How?” and “Where?”. The report should clearly state how the test was performed and where the error occurred so that the reader can quickly reproduce and locate the error.

9. Build a supportive team

Create a friendly and supportive environment for your QA team. Psychological well-being affects a person’s productivity and work performance.

First, the quality control functions are defined. When each team member knows their area of responsibility, it prevents misunderstandings and disputes.

Second, encourage communication and collaboration. Hold team meetings to discuss current issues, chat privately with teammates, and hold retrospectives to discuss failures or celebrate successes rationally.

Well-structured communication supports creativity and helps you complete tasks much faster.

I am currently the SEO Specialist at Bestarion, a highly awarded ITO company that provides software development and business processing outsourcing services to clients in the healthcare and financial sectors in the US. I help enhance brand awareness through online visibility, driving organic traffic, tracking the website's performance, and ensuring intuitive and engaging user interfaces.