Ambassador Program

Terms and Conditions

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Social Media Ambassador Responsibilities

1. Content Sharing and Amplification

Ambassadors are expected to: 

Share Bestarion Content: Actively share posts from Bestarion’s official social media accounts, including updates, articles, case studies, and event promotions. 

  • Example: Share a post about Bestarion’s software development services with a personal caption highlighting its impact. 

Engage with Bestarion’s Posts: Like, comment, and share to increase the visibility of official posts. 

  • Example: Add a thoughtful comment on a post about compliance solutions, sharing why it’s relevant to your network. 

2. Original Content Creation

Ambassadors will: 

Create Personal Content: Develop original posts showcasing their experience with or knowledge of Bestarion’s services. 

  • Example: A LinkedIn post sharing a case study about Bestarion’s successful ITO implementation, adding personal insights about its significance in the industry. 

Highlight Key Messaging: Incorporate Bestarion’s messaging pillars into posts (e.g., “Cut Costs, Not Quality” or “Effortless Scaling for Growing Firms”). 

Produce Multimedia Content: Include visuals such as infographics, videos, or images that emphasize Bestarion’s offerings. 

3. Audience Engagement

Ambassadors should: 

Respond to Comments and Questions: Actively engage with their audience, answering questions about Bestarion’s services or directing leads to the official sales team. 

  • Example: If someone asks about software development services, provide a brief response and a link to Bestarion’s website. 

Foster Conversations: Use polls, questions, or discussion posts to spark engagement about outsourcing trends, challenges, or solutions. 

4. Event Promotion

Ambassadors will: 

Promote Webinars and Events: Share event details, encourage registrations, and follow up with attendees post-event. 

  • Example: A LinkedIn post about the “Future-Proof Your Accounting Firm” webinar, emphasizing its benefits and linking to the registration page. 

Attend Events: Actively participate in webinars or workshops, live-tweet or post key takeaways, and share recordings afterward. 

5. Network Expansion

Ambassadors are expected to: 

Tag Relevant Connections: Mention colleagues, partners, or clients in posts where appropriate to expand reach. 

  • Example: Tagging a CPA contact in a post about Bestarion’s scalable accounting solutions. 

Invite Followers to Follow Bestarion: Encourage their audience to engage with Bestarion’s official social channels. 

6. Metrics and Reporting

Ambassadors must track and report their activities monthly, including: 

  • Content Performance: Metrics like likes, shares, comments, and post reach. 
  • Engagement Insights: Feedback or questions received from their audience. 
  • Lead Generation: Number of inquiries or referrals directed to Bestarion. 

7. Maintain Brand Integrity

Ambassadors are responsible for adhering to Bestarion’s branding guidelines: 

  • Professional Tone: Ensure all posts reflect Bestarion’s values and professionalism. 
  • Consistent Messaging: Use approved language, slogans, and hashtags (e.g., #BestarionAdvantage, #BestarionTech). 
  • Ethical Practices: Avoid making unverified claims or discussing competitors negatively. 

Weekly Schedule for Ambassadors

Monday: Share a Bestarion post; comment on related industry posts. 

Wednesday: Create and publish an original post about a Bestarion service. 

Friday: Promote an upcoming event or share insights from a webinar. 

Throughout the Week: Engage with comments, respond to questions, and tag relevant connections.